Mulhollands Community Assistance Programme – supporting community initiatives

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Talented amateur photographers showcased what is great about their communities in our competition

Mulhollands of Carrickfergus received dozens of entries during the contest. The chosen theme was ‘My Hometown’ which reflects how proud the team at Mulhollands are at being embedded in the heart of their communities.  

Cecil Owens was chosen as the for his beautiful image which included the town’s most famous landmarks – Carrickfergus Castle. 

He has won £200 worth of new equipment so he can continue to hone his craft.  

Cecil said: “I entered the photo because it represented my hometown with Carrickfergus castle, seafront and old church. The sunset added that glowing red sky to the scene.  

“I have been taking pictures for a very long time – I travelled the world with my job and visited many places that most people don’t get a chance to see but I didn’t have the time to capture the beauty or culture.  

“I got really interested after I retired and wish now that I had taken more interest in the past.”  

Peter Mulholland, from Mulhollands of Carrickfergus said: “I was really pleased at the large number and the high quality of all the entries again this year.  

“I found it very interesting to see how each photographer had interpreted the competition theme and judging wasn’t easy.  

“However, after lengthy discussions and appraisal we agreed Cecil was a worthy winner.  

“I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to submit a photograph and congratulate Cecil on being the overall winner.”   

To see some of the entrants follow Mulhollands of Carrickfergus on Facebook. 

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